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Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas (IIB)


Teléfono: 525 56223866

Campos de conocimiento

Biología del Desarrollo
Biología Molecular y Celular de Microorganismos, Plantas y Animales
Genética y Fisiología Celular

Líneas de investigación

1. Aspectos celulares, fisiológicos y moleculares involucrados en la determinación y diferenciación celular durante el desarrollo embrionario de los vertebrados.

2. Caracterización de células troncales en el ovario y testículo de los vertebrados.

3. Morfogénesis ovárica y testicular en vertebrados.


1) Claudia Olivera-Tlahuel, Maricela Villagrán-Santa Cruz, Norma A. Moreno-Mendoza, and J. Jaime Zúñiga-Vega. Morphological structures for potential sperm storage in poeciliid fishes. Does superfetation matter? Journal of Morphology 278(7): 907-918, 2017. FI: 1.521.

2) Porras-Gómez Tania Janeth and Moreno-Mendoza Norma*. Neo-oogenesis in mammals. Zygote 25 (August), pp. 404-422, 2017. FI: 1.37

3) R.A. Gutiérrez-Amézquita, J. Morales-Montor, M.A. Muñoz-Guzmán, K.E. Nava-Castro, H. Ramírez-Álvarez, C. Cuenca-Verde, N.A. Moreno-Mendoza, J.A. Cuellar-Ordaz, F. Alba-Hurtado. Progesterone inhibits the in vitro L3/L4 molting process in Haemonchus contortus. Veterinary Parasitology 248: 48-53, 2017. FI: 2.356

4) Tania Janeth Porras-Gómez, Adriana Martínez-Juárez y Norma Moreno-Mendoza*. Gonadal morphogenesis and establishment of the germline in the phyllostomid bat Sturnira lilium. Acta Histochemica 119: 671-679, 2017.FI: 1.435.

5) Eva Mendoza-Cruz, Norma Moreno-Mendoza, Luis Zambrano-González y Maricela Villagrán-SantaCruz. Development and gonadal sex differentiation in the neotenic urodela: Ambystoma mexicanum. Zoomorphology 136: 497-509, 2017. FI: 1.242

6) Antonio-Rubio Nivia Rocio, Villagrán-SantaCruz Maricela and Moreno-Mendoza Norma. Localization and distribution of gonadal proteins in the oviparous lizard Sceloporus aeneus (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae). Acta Histochemica 119 (5): 516-522, 2017. FI: 1.435

7) Adriana Martínez-Juárez, Marco A. López-Luna, Tania J. Porras-Gómez, Norma Moreno-Mendoza*. Expression of the Sox9, Foxl2, Vasa, and TRPV4 genes in the ovaries and testes of the Morelet´s crocodile, Crocodylus moreletii. Journal Experimental Zoology-B Molecular and Development Evolution 330 (3): 148-164, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/jez.b.22799. FI: 2.387

8) Adriana Martínez-Juárez, Norma Moreno-Mendoza. Mechanisms related to sexual determination by temperature in reptiles. Journal of Thermal Biology 85 (2019) 102400. 2.361

9) Claudia Olivera-Tlahuel, Norma A. Moreno-Mendoza, Maricela Villagrán-Santa Cruz y J. Jaime Zúñiga-Vega. Placental structures and their association with matrotrophy and superfetation in poeciliid fishes. Acta Zoologica 100: 167-181, 2018. ID: AZO12244. DOI: 10.1111/azo.12244. FI: 1.211.

10) Chávez-Güitrón L.E., Morales-Montor J., Nava-Castro K.E., Ramírez-Álvarez H., Moreno-Mendoza N.A., Prado-Ochoa M.A., Muñoz-Guzmán M.A. and Alba-Hurtado F. Progesterone in vitro increases growth, motility and 2 progesterone receptor expression in third stage larvae of 3 Toxocara canis. Experimental Parasitology 198: 1-6, 2019. FI: 1.859

11) Tania Janeth Porras-Gómez and Norma Moreno-Mendoza. Interaction between oocytes, cortical germ cells and granulosa cells of the mouse and bat, following the dissociation-re-aggregation of adult ovaries. Zygote 28 (3): 223-232, 2020. FI: 1.278.

12) Eva Mendoza-Cruz, Norma Moreno-Mendoza, Luis Zambrano-González, Tania Janeth Porras-Gómez and Maricela Villagrán-SantaCruz. Dimorphic protein expression for Sox9 and Foxl2 genes in the testicles and ovaries of the urodele amphibian: Ambystoma mexicanum. Acta Zoologica 102 (2): 192-205, 2020. FI: 1.375.

13) Tania J. Porras‐Gómez, Maricela Villagrán‐SantaCruz, Norma Moreno‐Mendoza. Biology of primordial germ cells in vertebrates with emphasis in urodeles amphibians. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 88:773–792, 2021.DOI: 10.1002/mrd.23533. FI: 2.03

14) Margarita Isabel Palacios-Arreola, Norma Angelica Moreno-Mendoza, Karen Elizabeth Nava-Castro, Mariana Segovia-Mendoza, Armando Perez-Torres, Claudia Angelica Garay-Canales and Jorge Morales-Montor. The endocrine disruptor compound Bisphenol-A (BPA) regulates the intra-tumoral immune microenvironment and increases lung metástasis in an experimental model of breast cáncer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23:2523, 2022. FI: 4.55.
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