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Instituto de Fisiología Celular (IFC)


Teléfono: 55 56225608 Ext. 25608

Campos de conocimiento

Biología del Desarrollo

Líneas de investigación

Mi laboratorio estudia las bases neuronales de la integración sensoriomotora a nivel celular, de circuitos y de conducta en control y en modelos de enfermedades del neurodesarrollo tales como el autismo. Nos enfocamos en los circuitos talámicos cuya función esta relacionada con el procesamiento de la información sensorial, motora, generación de ritmos de sueño y consolidación de la memoria, funciones afectadas en varias enfermedades del sistema nervioso.


1. Li Y*, Lopez-Huerta VG*, Adiconis X, Levandowski K, Choi S, Simmons SK, Arias-Garcia MA, Guo B, Yao AY, Blosser TR, Wimmer RD, Aida T, Atamian A, Naik T, Sun X, Bi D, Malhotra D, Hession CC, Shema R, Gomes M, … Feng G. (2020). Distinct subnetworks of the thalamic reticular nucleus. Nature, 583(7818), 819–824.
2. Ghoshal A, Uygun DS, Yang L, McNally JM, Lopez-Huerta VG, Arias-Garcia MA, Baez-Nieto D, Allen A, Fitzgeral M, Choi S, Zhnag Q, Hope JM, Yan K, Mao X, Nicholson TB, Imaizumi K, Fu Z, Feng G, Brown RE, Strecker RE, Purcell SM and Pan JQ. (2020). Effects of a patient-derived de novo coding alteration of CACNA1I in mice connect a schizophrenia risk gene with sleep spindle deficits. Translational Psychiatry. 10 (1), 1-12. Factor de impacto 5.182.
3. Piatkevich KD*, Bensussen S*, Tseng H*, Shroff SN, Lopez-Huerta VG, Park D, Jung EE, Shemesh O, Straub C, Gritton H, Romano M, Sabatini BL, Fu Z, Han X, Boyden ES. (2019). Population imaging of neural activity in awake behaving mice in multiple brain regions. Nature. 574 (7778), 413-417. Factor de impacto 41.57.
4. Jaidar O, Carrillo-Reid L, Lopez-Huerta VG, Nakano Y, Garcia-Munoz M, Hernandez A, Lazarus M, Bargas J and Arbuthnott GW. (2019). Synchronized activation of striatal direct and indirect pathways underelies the behavior in unilateral dopamine-depleted animals. EJN. Online. Factor de impacto 2.94.
5. Krol A*, Lopez-Huerta VG*, Corey TEC, Ting JJ, Deisseroth K, Feng G. (2019). Two eARCHT3.0 lines for optogenetic silencing of dopaminergic and serotonergic neuron function. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 13:1-4. Factor de impacto 3.1.
6. Amamoto R, Lopez-Huerta VG, Takahashi E, Dai G, Grant AK, Fu Z, Arlotta P. (2016). Adult axolotls can regenerate original neuronal diversity in response to brain injury. Elife. 9; 5. pii: e13998. Factor de impacto 7.61.
7. Lopez-Huerta VG, Nakano Y, Bausenwein J, Jaidar O, Lazarus M, Cherassse Y, Garcia-Munoz M and Arbuthnott GW. (2016). The neostriatum: two entities, one structure? Brain Structure and Function. 221(3):1737-49. Factor de impacto 4.23.
8. Barroso J, Herrera-Valdez MA, Lopez-Huerta VG, Galarraga E and Bargas J. (2015). Diverse short-term dynamics of inhibitory synapses converging on striatal projection neurons: differential changes in a rodent model of Parkinson’s disease. Neural plasticity. 2015:573543. Factor de impacto 3.58.
9. Carrillo-Reid LC*, Lopez-Huerta VG*, Garcia-Munoz M, Theiss S and Arbuthnott GW. (2015). Cell assembly signatures defined by short term synaptic plasticity in cortical networks. International Journal of Neural Systems. 25(7):1550026. Factor de impacto 6.5.
10. Garcia-Munoz M*, Lopez-Huerta VG* and Arbuthnott GW. (2014). Extrasynaptic Glutamate NMDA Receptors: Key Players in Striatal Function. Neuropharmacology. 89: 54-63. Factor de impacto 4.24.
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Alcaldía Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, CDMX

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