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Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas (IIB)


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Campos de conocimiento

Fisiología Molecular
Genética y Fisiología Celular

Líneas de investigación

Mi línea de investigación está enfocada en conocer el efecto de los contaminantes ambientales
sobre la salud cardiovascular en poblaciones humanas ambientalmente expuestas. Mi interés
en investigación también está relacionado con la teoría de "Developmental Origins of
Health and Disease" que estudia exposiciones ambientales in utero y desenlaces cardio-metabólicos más tarde en la vida. Finalmente, me interesan los mecanismos in vitro que expliquen la relación tóxicos y disfunción endotelial.


1) Yuan B#, Osorio-Yáñez C#, Fang J, Zhao L, Wilson A, Sánchez-Guerra M, Liu H, Li PH,
Guo L. Effect of Radiation, Organic Solvents and Vibration Occupational Exposure on the
Thyroid Disease: Results from Project ELEFANT. Aerosol Air Qual Res 2021; Jun 4; Vol 21,
Issue 9. FI 3.33 (#Primera autoría compartida).
2) Osorio-Yáñez C, Sánchez-Guerra M, Solano M, Baccarelli A, Wright R, Sanders AP,
Tellez-Rojo MM, Tamayo-Ortiz M. Metal exposure and bone remodeling during pregnancy:
Results from the PROGRESS cohort study. Environ Pollut 2021; Aug 1: 282; 116962. FI
3) Muñoz-Rodríguez A, Maciel-Ruiz JA, Salazar AM, Sordo M, Ostrosky-Wegman P,
Limón-Pacheco JH, Nepomuceno-Hernández AE, Ayala-Yáñez R, Gonsebatt ME, Osorio-
Yáñez C (autor corresponsal). Prenatal Particulate Matter (PM) Exposure and Natriuretic
Peptides in Newborns from Mexico City. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021; Jun 18, 18(2):
6546. FI 3.39
4) Osorio-Yáñez C (autor corresponsal), Sánchez-Guerra M, Cardenas A, Lin PD, Hauser
R, Gold DR, Kleinman KP, Hivert MF, Fleisch AF, Calafat AM, Webster TF, Horton ES, Oken
E. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and calcifications of the coronary and aortic arteries in
adults with prediabetes: Results from the diabetes prevention program outcomes study.
Environ Int 2021; Jun; 151: 106446. FI 7.57
5) Vargas-Alarcón G, González-Salazar MDC, Vázquez-Vázquez C, Hernández-Díaz
Couder A, Sánchez-Muñoz F, Reyes-Barrera J, Criales-Vera SA, Sánchez-Guerra M,
Osorio-Yáñez C, Posadas-Sánchez R. The rs12617336 and rs17574 Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4
Polymorphisms are associated with hypoalplalipoproteinemia and dipeptidyl peptidase-4
serum levels: a case-control study of the Genetics of Atherosclerosis Disease (GEA) Cohort.
Front Genet 2021 Jun 11; 592545. FI 3.78
6) Fang J, Kang CM, Osorio-Yáñez C, Barrow TM, Zhang R, Zhang Y, Li C, Liu H, Li PH,
Guo L, Byun HM. Prenatal PM2.5 exposure and the risk of adverse birth outcomes:
Results from Project ELEFANT. Environ Res 2020; Sep 19: 110232. FI 5.03
7) Torres-Arellano JM#, Osorio-Yáñez C#, Sánchez-Peña LC, Ayllon-Vergara JC, Arreola-
Mendoza L, Aguilar-Madrid G, Del Razo LM. Natriuretic peptides and echocardiographic
parameters in Mexican children environmentally exposed to arsenic. Toxicol Appl
Pharmacol 2020; Sep 15: 403: 115164. (#Primera autoría compartida). FI 3.71
8) Vázquez-Vázquez C, Posadas-Sánchez R, Fragoso JM, Ramírez-Bello J, Sánchez-
Guerra M, Osorio-Yáñez C, Vargas-Alarcón G. IL-12B Polymorphisms are associated with
the presence of premature coronary artery disease and with cardiovascular risk factors:
the Genetics of Atherosclerotic Disease Mexican Study. DNA Cell Biol 2020; Jul: 39(7):
1347-1355. FI 2.63
9) McGhinn LA, Coull BA, Kloog I, Just AC, Tamayo-Ortiz M, Osorio-Yáñez C, Baccarelli AA,
Wright RJ, Téllez-Rojo MM, Wright RO. Fine particulate matter exposure and lipid levels
among children in Mexico city. Environ Epidemiol 2020; Apr 9: 4(2): e088. FI 3.53
10) Lin PD, Cardenas A, Hauser R, Gold DR, Kleinman KP, Hivert MF, Fleisch AF, Calafat
AM, Sanchez-Guerra M, Osorio-Yáñez C, Webster TF, Horton ES, Oken E. Dietary
characteristics associated with plasma concentrations of per- and polyfluoroalkyl
substances among adults with pre-diabetes: Cross-sectional results from the Diabetes
Prevention Program Trial. Environ Int 2020; Apr 137: 105217. FI 7.94
11) Osorio-Yáñez C, Clemente DBP, Lea Maitre, Martha Vives-Usano, Mariona Bustamante,
David Martinez, et al. Early life tobacco exposure and children’s telomere length: the
HELIX Project. Sci Total Environ 2020; Apr 1; 711:135028 FI: 6.68
12) Liu Y, Téllez-Rojo M, Sánchez BN, Ettinger AS, Osorio-Yáñez C, Solano M, Hu H,
Peterson KE. Association between fluoride exposure and cardiometabolic risk in
peripubertal Mexican children. Environ Int 2020; 134:105302. FI: 7.94
13) Sánchez-Guerra MA, Peng C, Trevisi L, Cardenas A, Wilson A, Osorio-Yáñez C,
Niedzwiecki M, Zhong J, et al. Altered cord blood mitochondrial DNA content and
pregnancy lead exposure in the PROGRESS Cohort. Environ Int 2019; 125:437-444.
FI: 7.3
14) Sánchez-Guerra M, Cardenas A, Osorio-Yáñez C. Adequate maternal prenatal folate- An
additional intervention strategy among populations affected by prenatal lead exposure?
JAMA Network Open 2019; Oct 2; 2(20): e1912334. FI:5.03
15) Osorio-Yáñez C (autor corresponsal), Gelaye B, Enquobahrie DA, Qiu C, Williams MA.
Dietary Intake and Urinary Metals Among Pregnant Women in the Pacific Northwest.
Environ Pollut 2018; 236:680-688. FI: 4.35
16) Osorio-Yáñez C (autor corresponsal), Gelaye B, Qiu C, Bao W, Cardenas A, Enquobahrie
DA, Williams MA. Maternal Intake of Fried Foods and Risk of Gestational Diabetes
Mellitus. Ann Epidemiol 2017; 27: 384-390. FI: 2.80
17) Osorio-Yáñez C, Chin-Chan M, Sánchez-Peña LC, Atzatzi-Aguilar OG, Olivares-Reyes
JA, Segovia J, Del Razo LM. The ADMA/DDAH/NO pathway in human vein endothelial
cells exposed to arsenite. Toxicol In Vitro 2017; 42: 281-286. FI: 3.10
18) Osorio-Yáñez C (autor corresponsal), Qiu C, Gelaye B, Enquobahrie DA, Williams MA.
Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Relation to Maternal Dietary Calcium Intake.
Public Health Nutr 2017; 14:1-8. FI: 2.48
19) Zheng Y, Sanchez-Guerra MA, Zhang Z, Joyce BT, Zhong J, Kresovich JK, Liu L, Zhang
W, Gao T, Chang D, Osorio-Yáñez C, Carmona J, Wang S, McCracken JP, Zhang X,
Chervona Y, Diaz A, Bertazzi P, et al. Traffic-derived particulate matter exposure and
histone H3 modification: A repeated measures study. Environ Res 2017; 153: 112-119.
FI: 4.7
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