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Campos de conocimiento

Biología Molecular y Celular de Microorganismos, Plantas y Animales
Microbiología Molecular

Líneas de investigación

Resistencia antimicrobiana (RAM), estatus actual de la RAM en México, el desarrollo de políticas de control de uso de antibióticos en la atención a la salud, análisis molecular de cepas resistentes a carbapenémicos identificación de mecanismos de resistencia a colistina en cepas de origen clínico. Además, coordina actividades de la clínica de trasplante de materia fecal, donde se buscan los patrones de resistencia en la microbiota intestinal de la población mexicana.


1. Ma. Guadalupe Miranda, Karen Flores, Mauricio Rodríguez, Yolanda López Vidal, José Luis Soto Hernández, Fortino Solórzano y Samuel Ponce de León Rosales. The Real Practice Prescribing Antibiotics in Outpatients: A Failed Control Case Assessed through the Simulated Patient Method. Antibiotics 2023, 12, 915. 12050915. Mayo 16, 2023. IF 5.22

2. Dr. Samuel Ponce de León et al. Interim Safety and immunogenicity results from an NDV-based COVID-19 VACCINE phase I trial in México. NPJ Vaccines Sciences. Npj Vaccines (2023)8:67; Abril, 2023. IF 9.399

3. Mauricio Rodríguez Álvarez, Samuel Ponce de León, Post-COVID-19 Agenda. Who controls Narrative?: Post-COVID-19 Condition Narrative. Archives of Medical Research. December 5, 2022. DOI IF 7.0

4. Guadalupe Miranda, Karen Flores, Yolanda López Vidal, Samuel Ponce de León Rosales and PUCRA Network Members. Limited Therapeutic Options in Mexico for the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections.Antibiotics Journal MDPI. 2022. 11. 1656. https:// / antibiotics 11111656. Noviembre 18, 2022. IF 4.9

5. René Arredondo – Hernández, Christina Siebe, Gonzalo Castillo Rojas, Samuel Ponce de León and Yolanda López Vidal, The synergistic interaction of systemic inflammation, dysbiosis and antimicrobial resistance promotes growth restriction in children with acute severe malnutrition: An emphasis on Escherichia coli. Frontiers in Antibiotics Published 24TH.,october 2022, doi 10.3389/frabi.2022.1001717 ISSN 2813-2467.

6. Norma Mongua Rodríguez, Mauricio Rodríguez Álvarez, Daniela de la Rosa Zamboni, Ma. Eugenia Jiménez Corona, Martha Lucía Castañeda Cediel, Guadalupe Miranda Novales, Gustavo Cruz Pacheco, Elizabeth Ferreyra – Reyes, Guadalupe Delgado Sánchez, Maribel Martínez Hernández, Arturo Cruz Salgado, Rogelio Pérez Padilla, Samuel Ponce de León y Lourdes García García. “Knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, and COVID-19 hesitancy in a large public university in Mexico city during the early vaccination rollout” en BMC Public Health. (2022) 22:1853, http// Octubre 2022. IF 4.135

7. Yolanda López Vidal, José Luis Soto Hernández, Patricia Orduña, René Arredondo Hernández, Max Schmulson, Angel Mario Zárate, Ana Carmen Cuéllar Treviño, Angel Guerra Hernández, Verónica Angeles Morales, Graciela Cárdenas and Samuel Ponce de León Rosales, "Allogenic Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Clostridioides Difficile Infection: a Case Series in Mexico" . Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technological Research. doi: 10.26717 / BJSTR.2021.36.005905. June 2021. IF 0.548

8. Mauricio Rodríguez Alvarez, Yolanda López Vidal, José Luis Soto Hernández, María Guadalupe Miranda Novales, Karen Flores Moreno and Samuel Ponce de León. "Covid 19, Clouds over the antimicrobial Resistance Landscape". Archives of Medical Research, oi: 10.1016/j.arcmed.2020.10.010, January 2021. 123-126 52 (1) Archives of Medical Research. PII: S0188-4409(20)31128-0, DOI: Accepted Date: 7 October 2020. Reference: ARCMED 2588 IF 8.323

9. Gustavo Cruz Pacheco, José F. Bustamante Castañeda, Jean G. Caputo, Ma. Eugenia Jiménez Corona, Samuel Ponce de León Rosales. Dispersion of a New Coronavirus SARS-COV-2 by airlines in 2020: Temporal estimates of the outbreak in Mexico. Revista de Investigación Clínica 2020; 72-73: 138-43. Foi 10.24875/RIC.20000113. issn 048376. IF 2.667

10. René Arredondo Hernández, Max Schmulson, Patricia Orduña, Gamaliel López-Leal, Angel Mario Zárate, Gerardo Alanís Funes, Luis David Alcaraz, Rubi Santiago Cruz, Miguel A. Ceballos, Antonio R. Villa, Samuel Ponce de León and Yolanda López Vidal for Consorcio Mexicano para el Estudio del Microbioma Humano. "Mucosal Microbiome Profiles Polygenic Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Mestizo Individuals" doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.00072 Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology Marzo 20, Vol. 10, Article 72 IF 6.073

11. Dr Ro Carrasco-Hernandez corresponding author
Listed co-author(s): Dr. Pablo F Belaunzarán-Zamudio, Dr Alejandra Cortés-Ortíz, Dr. Hugo López-Gatell, Dr. Samuel Ponce de León-Rosales, Dr Davey Smith, Dr M. Arantxa Colchero Multi-level predictors of HIV among transwomen attending meeting places in Mexico City: A study of personal, social and geospatial factors. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. March 2020. IF 6.3

12. Rodrigo Jácome1, JoséAlberto Campillo-Balderas1, Samuel Ponce de León2, Arturo Becerra1 & Antonio Lazcano1,3  Nature Scientific Reports |November (2020) 10:9294 | Sofosbuvir as a potential alternative to treat the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic IF 4.6

13. Jacome R, Carrasco-Hernández R, Campillo-Balderas JA, López-Vidal Y, Lazcano A, Wenzel RP, Ponce de León S. “A Yellow flag on the horizon: The looming threat of yellow fever to North America.” International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2019, oct. 87:143-150. Doi. 10.1016/j.ijid.2019.07.033. F:I.3.041 IF 12.7

14. José Luis Soto – Hernández, Samuel Ponce de León, Edwin Steven Vargas Cañas, Graciela Cárdenas, Karina Carrillo Loza, José Alberto Díaz Quiñones, Irma López Martínez, María Eugenia Jiménez Corona, Cuitláhuac Ruiz-Matus and Pablo Kuri Morales. “Guillain – Barré Syndrome Associated with Zika Virus Infection: A prospective Case Series from Mexico. Frontiers in Neurology, Brief Research Report, April 2019, doi: 10:3389/ fneur.2019.00435. F.I. 2.635 IF 3.4

15. María Guadalupe Miranda – Novales, Karen Flores-Moreno, Yolanda López-Vidal, Mauricio Rodríguez-Alvarez, Fortino Solórzano-Santos, José Luis Soto Hernández, Samuel Ponce de León-Rosales, UNCAR Network. “Antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic consumption in Mexican Hospitals”. Salud Pública de México. Vol. 61 agosto 2019. IF 2.028

16. René Arredondo-Hernandez, Patricia Orduña Estrada, Yolanda López Vidal and Samuel Ponce de León Rosales. “Clostridium Difficile Infection: An Immunological Conundrum”. Archives of Medical Research 49 (2018) 359-364 Elsevier. 0188-4409. FI 8.323

17. Diana Vilar Compte, Daniel de la Rosa Martínez y Samuel Ponce de León. “Vaccination Status and Other Preventive Measures in Medical Schools. Big Needs and Opportunities”. Elsevier Inc., Archives of Medical Research. 49 (2018) 255-260. FI 8.323

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